Best time to sell a house 2021-2022 | Selling a Home Fast

What is the current market situation like? Is it currently worth thinking about selling your Best time to sell a house 2021-2022?

Mathematically yes. Because purchase prices have risen sharply lately – more so than rents. However, Selling a home Fast you have to ask yourself: What do I do with the sales proceeds? After all, traditional investments currently bring little interest, which is why so many are thinking about investing in real estate. Another important question that needs to be clarified in advance: Where will I live after the sale? Few owners want to return to tenant status. Selling is therefore only of interest to households where the children have moved out or who want to downsize for other reasons.Even if owners have to move for work or prefer to move from the popular city to the countryside, a sale makes sense.

What advice do you have for homeowners in structurally weak regions: sell or rather wait in 2021-2022?

If owners want to move away from structurally weak regions anyway, now is a good opportunity to sell. Because due to the very low interest rates, prices are rising even in regions where they are more likely to fall in the long term due to emigration. Otherwise, however, the following also applies in structurally weak regions: A sale should be carefully considered and prepared.

Are there any situations where you would advise House owners not to sell?

When moving from a condominium to a house, owners should consider whether they would rather rent out the House than sell it . Because the rental income represents a source of income in old age and therefore serves as an additional provision. Of course, renting is only an option if you have enough equity for the new home and the proceeds from the sale are not absolutely necessary.

How do you think House prices will develop in the future – will they continue to rise or will they fall again?

In USA cities and their surrounding areas, prices will continue to rise . Because the high demand will not stop. And there is little relief on the supply side due to the lack of building land.Even in less popular regions, prices will initially continue to rise – this is mainly due to the current low interest rates. However, the price increase is much more moderate here.

Is it likely that interest rates will rise and will result in a decline in interest in the market?

Yes. At some point, interest rates will rise again. However, it cannot be said exactly when or how high. An increase to six to eight percent like in the 90s is unlikely to happen, but three to four percent is not unrealistic. This makes other systems more attractive again and the financing of home ownership becomes more expensive at the same time. Then real estate prices also fall.There is therefore a potential for setbacks: In USA cities, prices could fall by 20 to 30 percent. However, this is only a possible risk, not a prognosis. A bad economic situation, rising unemployment, falling GDP or an US crisis can make the potential for setbacks more likely.

What personal motives play a role in selling a House in 2021-2022?

Frequent reasons to sell among young people are switching from a condominium to a house, adding to the family or seeking financial gain. In old age, some people move into a retirement home or a retirement home and therefore sell their own home. Most people would like to stay in their home until the end of their lives, if at all possible.

Inheritance plays an increasingly important role: Often the heirs already have their own House, live in a completely different area or do not want to use the House themselves for other reasons and therefore want to sell it.Financial bottlenecks, a separation from a partner or unemployment, on the other hand, are rarely a reason for a sale.

Is there a particularly suitable time of year for the sale or is there a month that sellers should rather sit out?

A House can probably be sold better in spring or summer because the pictures in the advertisements then look more appealing and people are more likely to want to change. Many potential buyers are likely to be away during the summer vacation or over Christmas.

However, a sale takes several weeks anyway – especially if you can’t find a buyer at the desired sales price right away. In this respect, you can usually not fix the time of sale to a specific month.

Do you have any tips for sellers looking to get the best price possible to sell a house?

Beautify the House! Unkempt gardens, untidy or empty rooms and unprofessional photos – especially in bad weather – do not make a good impression. Often you see lots of pictures in advertisements of the furnishings or details that the owners think are great, but which others would throw away or tear off.

Real estate agents usually present a House better. However, they sometimes charge quite high fees for this. Sellers can also hire home stagers or professional photographers. Even if you have to spend several hundred euros for this – what is that against a sales revenue that is a few thousand euros higher that can be achieved with good marketing?

Do owners of an house have to pay attention to different things than owners of a single-family house?

In any case. In a House complex, potential buyers will be more interested in the neighbors and co-owners. After all, they help determine what is renewed and modernized in the house. As a seller, you should therefore make sure to address the right target group in the advertisement, which then also develops serious interest in buying because it fits into the community of owners.

Sellers should also have the minutes of the owners’ meeting on hand. For example, you can advertise that there are no arguments or problems with the reserves in the community.

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